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Welcome to Hutchinson Community College

Billing & Payment

Pay Online

The total amount due for tuition, student fees, course fees, and housing charges (if applicable) can be paid in a one-time online payment using the following forms of payment:

  • Checking account
  • Savings account
  • Debit card
  • Visa, Mastercard, Discover or American Express

You may also sign up for a payment plan and have automatic scheduled payments to pay your balance.  Sign up for the Online Payment Plan by following the steps below.

  • Log into your DragonZone portal.
  • Select the "Finances" menu item.
  • Select the "Account" drop down. 
  • Select the "Sign up for Online Payment Plan" button and follow the prompts.

Tax Info

1098T forms that include information from 2024 will be available on or before January 31, 2025.  You may access this form online by doing the following steps:

Log into DragonZone account

Select the Finances menu item

Select the 1098T dropdown

For students who do not opt to receive their 1098T form electronically, the form will be mailed on or before January 31st to your permanent address listed in DragonZone.

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Refund Policy

Refund Policy

Hutchinson Community College Refund Policy (Effective Fall 2008)

Class Length Description

Calendar Days*

Refund Amount


Class length:
9 weeks or greater
(Refund Type 1)

0-7 calendar days

8th calendar day
through end of class



Class length:
5 weeks or greater
and less than 9 weeks
(Refund Type 2)

0-3 calendar days

4th calendar day
through end of class



Class length:
1 week or greater
and less than 5 weeks
(Refund Type 3)

0-2 calendar days

3rd calendar day
through end of class



Class length:
Less than 1 week
(Refund Type 4)


0-1 calendar days

2nd calendar day
through end of class



This policy is for credit hour courses and covers all course delivery methods.

Students receiving federal financial aid who withdraw completely from Hutchinson Community College may be required to repay a portion of the federal financial aid they have received. Questions about repayment of federal aid should be directed to the HutchCC Financial Aid Office.

Students required to report for active military duty during a semester of enrollment are entitled to a full refund of tuition and fees- contingent upon presentation of official military orders. Students who volunteer for military service during a semester of enrollment are not eligible for military refunds and instead are subject to the institution's regular refund policy.

Exceptions to the refund policy may be authorized by the Vice President of Student Services. All appeals must be in writing; however appeals will not be considered after the last scheduled day of the course or semester. Written appeals may be sent to the following addresses:

Vice President of Student Services
Hutchinson Community College
1300 N Plum
Hutchinson, KS 67501


Service Charges & Holds

Service Charges and Holds

Students are expected to pay their tuition, fees, and other education costs promptly.  Failure to pay the outstanding balance by the semester drop date will result in a hold being placed on the student’s account, the student being dropped from future enrollment, and courses from the current payment period will include the grade designation of “IN PROGRESS” on the student's transcript. After the semester has ended the account is considered delinquent and may be referred to a collection agency.  The collection will be posted on the student’s credit history by the collection agency.  The student will be responsible for their unpaid balance and any costs incurred as a result of the collection process.

2024 - 2025 Tuition Drop Dates for Nonpayment


Fall 2024    - Includes courses with a start date between August 1st and December 31st. 

Balance due on or before December 1st

Spring 2025   - Includes courses with a start date between January 1st and May 31st.

Balance due on or before May 1st

Summer 2025    - Includes courses with a start date between June 1st and July 31st.

Balance due on or before July 15th


The following actions will be taken on a student account that is not paid in full by the drop date.

  •      $50 handling fee will be applied to the student's account. 
  •      Student will be dropped from all future semester courses that they are currently enrolled in.
  •      A financial hold will be placed on the student's account.*

*Consequences of the financial hold are listed below. 

  • You will not be able to enroll in future semesters until your balance is paid in full. 
  • Courses from the current payment period will include the grade designation of “IN PROGRESS” on the transcript.
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Contact Details

Business Office
1-888-GO-HUTCH ext. 3509
FAX: 620-665-3316

Yearly Audits

Annually, an audit is conducted for the purpose of forming opinions on the College's financial statements. The HutchCC audits disclose that the College’s basic financial statements were presented fairly, in all material respects, and in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.

HutchCC is pleased to provide the following audited financial information (in PDF format):


DOD Tuition

The Tuition Rates below are for the 2024-2025 Academic Year


Reno County Tuition   $89

In state Tuition            $99

Out of State Tuition    $130

International Tuition    $139

DOD Fees

This student fee rate is for the 2024-2025 Academic Year


Student Fees are $29 per credit hour

Additional Information