Book Store: books, school supplies, HCC shirts, and more.
Book Buy Back: end of fall and spring semesters; watch for day and time to be posted.
Financial Aid: financial aid advisor available for one-on-one assistance. Call for an appointment.
Tuition Payment Plan: opportunity to make monthly tuition payments with FACTS.
Enroll, Pay for Class and Get Your ID Made all at our HutchCC Campus!
Other services provided include:
Advisor/ Counselor: available to assist in developing a class schedule and formulating a plan to meet individual goals.
Placement Testing: assessments offered for English, Reading, and Math.
Test Proctoring: call to schedule a test proctor for your online classes.
Career Counseling: individual guidance with career choices including assessments.
Jobseeker Services: Workforce Service Representative available five days a week. Call for an appointment.
Do you work during the day or just find that evening classes better suit your schedule? Look no further, HutchCC offers a wide selection of general education and career specific courses.
NON-CREDIT COURSES Have you always wanted to learn a foreign language, take a jewelry-making course, or learn to cook from an expert? You'll for sure find something of interest to you in a variety of non-credit course offerings.
Monday - Friday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
Information Center will be closed during Hutchcc Holidays/Breaks