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If you have any questions regarding COVID-19 and Hutchinson Community College, we encourage you to reach out to us via our dedicated COVID e-mail.

For the most current information on COVID-19 in Hutchinson and Reno County, please visit the Reno County Health Department Dashboard.



Throughout this event, we strongly encourage you to stay connected to the Blue Dragon community. Practicing social distancing can make it difficult for us to maintain those valued relationships you’ve built with your fellow students, faculty, advisors and others who are part of your Blue Dragon family.  Utilize the technology available, whether it be e-mail, phone, FaceTime, Skype or others to stay connected. Don’t let feelings of isolation, loneliness, anxiety or uncertainty get the best of you. Our advising and counseling services are here to assist you.

As this event continues to evolve, we encourage you to stay current by utilizing the resources provided by the Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization.

Reno County Health Department Dashboard

Reference for Hutchinson Community College Employees - "What to do if..." - July 30, 2020

Reno County Updates

KDHE Updates

Center for Disease Control Information

CDC Considerations for Institutions of Higher Learning

CDC Updates on Cases in the United States


World Health Organization Information