Course Description: Fundamental macroeconomic ideas including incentives, opportunity cost, supply and demand, macroeconomic indicators, aggregate economy, and fiscal and monetary policies.
Section Type: Honors
Credit Hours: 3.00
Section Notes: EC100 is not a requirement to take EC101.
Course Description: Fundamental microeconomic ideas including incentives, opportunity cost, supply and demand, elasticity, market structures, profit-maximizing output, market failures, consumer choice, and behavioral economics.
Section Type: Lecture
Credit Hours: 3.00
Section Type: Lecture
Credit Hours: 3.00
Section Type: Lecture
Credit Hours: 3.00
Section Type: Lecture
Credit Hours: 3.00
Section Notes: EC100 is not required for enrollment in EC101Section Type: Lecture
Credit Hours: 3.00
Course Description: Fundamental microeconomic ideas including incentives, opportunity cost, supply and demand, elasticity, market structures, profit-maximizing output, market failures, consumer choice, and behavioral economics.
Section Type: Honors
Credit Hours: 3.00
Section Notes: EC100 is not required for enrollment in EC101
Course Description: Experiences designed to help with the transition into college life; exploration of essential techniques for success as a college student.
Section Type: Lecture
Credit Hours: 1.00
Section Type: Lecture
Credit Hours: 1.00
Section Type: Lecture
Credit Hours: 1.00
Section Type: Lecture
Credit Hours: 1.00
Section Type: Lecture
Credit Hours: 1.00
Course Description: An introduction to college success strategies including college-level study skill techniques, goal setting, and healthy lifestyles as well as identification of one's interests, values, skills and personality to assist in making career choices.
Section Type: Lecture
Credit Hours: 2.00
Section Notes: The course is intended for undecided students who are advised through the Student Success Center. Students with a declared major should enroll in ED105.Section Type: Lecture
Credit Hours: 2.00
Section Notes: The course is intended for undecided students who are advised through the Student Success Center. Students with a declared major should enroll in ED105.Section Type: Lecture
Credit Hours: 2.00
Section Notes: The course is intended for undecided students who are advised through the Student Success Center. Students with a declared major should enroll in ED105.
Course Description: Historical and cultural exploration of the concept of happiness and field of positive psychology through analysis of scientific research. Examination of practices including gratitude, showing kindness to others, mindfulness, and acts of altruism.
Section Type: Lecture
Credit Hours: 2.00
Section Notes: This course does not count towards the General Education Social Science requirement.
Course Description: Examination of professional education for students considering a career in teaching including diversity, curriculum, effective teaching practices, history and philosophy of education, legal and ethical issues, governance and finance issues.
Course Notes: a GPA of 2.5 or higher, and PS100 General Psychology.
Section Type: Lecture
Credit Hours: 3.00
Section Notes: Must also enroll in ED201L Introduction to Education Practicum.Section Type: Lecture
Credit Hours: 3.00
Section Notes: Must also enroll in ED201L Introduction to Education Practicum.
Course Description: Examination of professional education for students considering a career in teaching including diversity, curriculum, effective teaching practices, history and philosophy of education, legal and ethical issues, governance and finance issues.
Course Notes: a GPA of 2.5 or higher.
Section Type: Honors
Credit Hours: 3.00
Section Notes: Must also enroll in ED201L Introduction to Education Practicum.
Course Description: Practical experience observing and working as a student aide in a public school classroom using skills and theories addressed in ED201 Introduction to Education; development of a general understanding of the teaching profession through observation and practice which will provide a foundation for subsequent courses in education, and a career in education.
Course Notes: a GPA of 2.5 or higher, and PS100 General Psychology.
Section Type: Lab
Credit Hours: 1.00
Section Notes: Must also enroll in ED201. Student required to observe and work in a public education classroom for minimum of 45 clock hours.Background check required; covered by course fees.Section Type: Lab
Credit Hours: 1.00
Section Notes: Must also enroll in ED201. Student required to observe and work in a public education classroom for minimum of 45 clock hours.Background check required; covered by course fees.
Course Description: Introduction to exceptional students with various special needs. The course examines public laws and mandates governing accessibility, identification, and placement; major historical influences in special education; classroom challenges; instructional strategies and available resources that will benefit regular classroom teachers.
Course Notes: ED201 Introduction to Education with a grade of C or higher.
Section Type: Lecture
Credit Hours: 3.00
Section Notes: ED201 Introduction to Education with a C or better or concurrent enrollment.
Course Description: Current educational technologies and effective strategies for integrating technology in the classroom. Explore and demonstrate how educational technology can support teaching and learning and enhance personal and professional productivity in the 21st Century.
Section Type: Lecture
Credit Hours: 3.00
Section Notes: Basic computer skills such as navigating the internet, using educational technology applications, and effective communication skills, as well as access to a device/computer and reliable internet connection will be required.
Course Description: Understand the importance and the content of a developmentally appropriate physical education program and a comprehensive health education program.
Section Type: Lecture
Credit Hours: 3.00
Course Description: Directed study in specialized areas of study under the supervision of a faculty mentor.
Section Type: Honors
Credit Hours: 1.00
Course Description: Concepts of voltage, current, resistance, electrical hazards, parallel circuits and series circuits.
Section Type: Lecture
Credit Hours: 4.00
Section Notes: Course is part of a Department of Labor approved Apprenticeship Program. Typically taken first semester of year one.
Course Description: Principles of different conduit types, how to calculate bends, and how to perform various conduit bends.
Section Type: Lecture
Credit Hours: 1.00
Section Type: Lecture
Credit Hours: 1.00
Course Description: Navigation of structure and organization of National Electrical Code codebook chapters and tables.
Section Type: Lecture
Credit Hours: 1.00
Section Type: Lecture
Credit Hours: 1.00
Course Description: AC/DC Circuits address the basics of direct and alternating current circuits.
Section Type: Lecture
Credit Hours: 4.00
Section Notes: Course is part of a Department of Labor approved Apprenticeship Program. This course is typically taken the second semester of year two.
Course Description: An introductory course on commercial wiring methods that includes practical applications and hands=on experience in implementing code requirements.
Section Type: Lecture
Credit Hours: 4.00
Section Notes: Course is part of a Department of Labor approved Apprenticeship Program. Typically taken the second semester of year 3.
Course Description: Students learn to read specification manuals and prints as applied to residential, commercial, and industrial buildings.
Section Type: Lecture
Credit Hours: 2.00
Section Notes: Course is part of a Department of Labor approved Apprenticeship Program. Typically taken in the second semester of the fourth year.
Course Description: Overview of types of motor starters and overcurrent protection for electric motors.
Course Notes: EE246 Electric Motors.
Section Type: Lecture
Credit Hours: 1.00