Course Description: Select proper personal protective equipment; perform proper shop operations according to OSHA guidelines; remove paint coatings apply corrosion resistant coatings; demonstrate proper spray gun operation and cleaning procedures; select proper painting and substrate materials for projects; analyze paint defects, causes and cures; repair paint defects; measure paint mil thickness; and determine final detail procedures for given projects.
Section Type: Lecture
Credit Hours: 3.00
Section Type: Lecture
Credit Hours: 3.00
Course Description: Apply safety procedures in auto body painting and refinishing; perform cleaning procedures for a refinish; prepare adjacent panels for blending; prepare plastic panels for refinishing; protect non-finished areas of vehicle; operate high and low volume/pressure spray guns. Perform paint system applications on vehicle; follow appropriate paint color matching and mixing procedures; tint color using formula to achieve a blended match. Explore the causes, effects and correction of buffing-related imperfections and pigment floatation. Measure mil thickness. Apply decals, transfers, tapes, woodgrains, pinstripes. Apply cleaning techniques to interior, exterior, glass and body openings; remove overspray.
Section Type: Lecture
Credit Hours: 4.00
Section Type: Lecture
Credit Hours: 4.00
Course Description: Apply safety procedures. Identify trim and hardware to be protected; examine considerations when working with movable glass. Perform outer body repairs, replacements and adjustments. Perform metal straightening techniques. Perform body filling techniques. Perform metal finishing techniques. Use welding procedures in non-structural damage repair. Distinguish between mechanical and electrical components. Use appropriate cutting procedures. Determine procedures for working with plastics and adhesives.
Section Type: Lecture
Credit Hours: 4.00
Section Type: Lecture
Credit Hours: 4.00
Course Description: Demonstrate safety procedures. Remove and install trim and hardware; repair movable glass; protect adjacent body panels; repair, replace and adjust outer body panels; replace mechanical and electrical components. Perform welding skills. Perform plastic and adhesive repairs.
Section Type: Lecture
Credit Hours: 5.00
Section Type: Lecture
Credit Hours: 5.00
Course Description: Assessing, measuring and estimating damage to conventional and unitized vehicles using industry-standard measuring devices and damage reporting processes. Analysis of material damage caused by hail, theft and vandalism; exterior panel damage; and restraint system damage. Strategies for planning and improving collision job process times using quality inspection of repairs.
Section Type: Lecture
Credit Hours: 2.00
Section Type: Lecture
Credit Hours: 2.00
Course Description: Demonstrate safety procedures. Determine how to diagnose steering and suspension; diagnose electrical concerns; complete headlamp and fog/driving assemblies and repairs; demonstrate self-grounding procedures for handling electrical components. Determine diagnosis, inspection and service needs for brake hydraulic components; examine components of heating and air conditioning systems; determine the inspection, service and repair needs for collision damaged cooling system components; distinguish between under car components and systems. Determine the diagnosis, inspection and service requirements of active and passive restraint systems.
Section Type: Lecture
Credit Hours: 3.00
Section Type: Lecture
Credit Hours: 3.00
Course Description: Introductory course on electrical and electronic theory and their applications to alternating and direct current circuits for beginning students with no formal experience in electricity or electronics.
Section Type: Lecture
Credit Hours: 4.00
Section Type: Lecture
Credit Hours: 4.00
Section Notes: This section is for AG Diesel students ONLY.Section Type: Lecture
Credit Hours: 4.00
Course Description: In-depth understanding and working knowledge of multimeters. Digital Multimeter Principles will help students develop a working knowledge of troubleshooting techniques to apply in the field.
Section Type: Lecture
Credit Hours: 1.00
Section Notes: Concurrent enrollment in AE100.Section Type: Lecture
Credit Hours: 1.00
Section Notes: Concurrent enrollment in AE100.
Course Description: Introductory course on commercial and industrial wiring and conduit fabrication. Students will calculate the size of electrical loads and determine wiring applications for supply, feeder and branch circuits as they implement code requirements.
Section Type: Lecture
Credit Hours: 3.00
Course Description: This course examines types, installation and troubleshooting of programmable logic controllers (PLCs). Hardware and programming aspects, as well as ladder logic symbols and operations necessary to develop a PLC program, are also covered.
Course Notes: AE100 AC/DC Circuits.
Section Type: Lecture
Credit Hours: 3.00
Section Notes: Concurrent enrollment in ME110 Fundamentals of Motor ControlsSection Type: Lecture
Credit Hours: 3.00
Section Notes: Concurrent enrollment in ME110 Fundamentals of Motor Controls
Course Description: Operation, application, maintenance and troubleshooting of electrical equipment including transformers, relays, motor controls and wiring with emphasis on diagnostic troubleshooting.
Course Notes: AE100 AC/DC Circuits.
Section Type: Lecture
Credit Hours: 3.00
Section Notes: Corequisite of ME110 Fundamentals of Motor ControlsSection Type: Lecture
Credit Hours: 3.00
Section Notes: Corequisite of ME110 Fundamentals of Motor ControlsSection Type: Lecture
Credit Hours: 3.00
Section Notes: Corequisite of ME110 Fundamentals of Motor Controls
Course Description: This class is designed for any person requiring a general knowledge and understanding of Variable Frequency Drives (VFDs), electric motors and DC drives.
Course Notes: ME110 Fundamentals of Motor Controls.
Section Type: Lecture
Credit Hours: 3.00
Course Description: Contemporary control methods in process control and programmable logic control systems including multi-loop systems, open data systems, fuzzy logic and fieldbus technology.
Course Notes: AE155 Electrical Maintenance.
Section Type: Lecture
Credit Hours: 3.00
Course Description: Hands-on experience with modular PLC''s in developing advanced ladder logic programs and routines including applications, advanced PLC instructions, programming and troubleshooting ladder logic for discreet and analog systems.
Course Notes: AE150 Programmable Logic Controllers.
Section Type: Lecture
Credit Hours: 3.00
Course Description: Study of distributed and PC-based control systems; integration of process and programmable logic control systems into central control, data gathering and report generating systems.
Course Notes: AE200 Variable Frequency Drives & Electric Motors, or AE205 Industrial PLCs.
Section Type: Lecture
Credit Hours: 3.00
Course Description: This course examines types, applications and troubleshooting of industrial robots and subsystems, including the programming of industrial robotic control software.
Course Notes: AE150 Programmable Logic Controllers.
Section Type: Lecture
Credit Hours: 3.00
Course Description: How and when to install motion control schemes, as well as programming, maintenance, and troubleshooting of motion control systems in an industrial environment.
Course Notes: AE200 Variable Frequency Drives & Electric Motors, and AE205 Industrial PLCs.
Section Type: Lecture
Credit Hours: 3.00
Course Description: Survey of food raw materials and their methods of handling, manufacturing, distribution, and consumption.
Section Type: Lecture
Credit Hours: 3.00
Course Description: Basic principles which apply to the broad field of animal agriculture; survey of the industry; types, purposes and products of livestock; principles of breeding, selection, nutrition, lactation, reproduction, management and marketing.
Section Type: Lecture
Credit Hours: 3.00
Section Type: Lecture
Credit Hours: 3.00
Course Description: Meat animal selection and evaluation of economically important traits.
Section Type: Lecture
Credit Hours: 1.00