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  • Career and Technical Writing - EN108

    Course Description:  Exploring career and professional writing through a variety of techniques, including organization and revision to produce clear communication for the professional setting.


  • Children's Literature - EN120

    Course Description:  Exploration of the historical development and literary genres of children's literature, including analysis of themes, styles, and cultural.


    • Sections:

      EN120 001241S       Main Campus Closed
        • WHEN
        • Days: M W F
        • Times: 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
        • Start Date: 08/21/2024
        • End Date: 12/11/2024
        • WHERE
        • Campus: Main Campus
        • Building: Lockman Hall
        • Room: LH206
        • INSTRUCTOR
        • Amber Carithers

      Section Type:  Lecture

      Credit Hours:  3.00

      Section Notes:  May not fulfill general education English requirements of four-year colleges.
  • Introduction to Creative Writing - EN128

    Course Description:  Understanding and explanation of elements of the writer''s craft in prose and poetry.


  • Introduction to Literature - EN201

    Course Description:  Apply techniques of scholarly inquiry to the major literary genres, giving students a deeper understanding of literature's features, reader/writer interactions, and meanings in order to foster an awareness of how literature reflects complex and diverse human experiences.
    Course Notes:  EN100 English Comp IB with a grade of C or higher, or EN101 English Composition IA with a grade of C or higher.


  • British Literature I - EN202

    Course Description:  Evaluate important works of British literature from medieval times to 1800. Distinguish literary devices in both prose and poetry, observe the interplay between literature and history, and note the connections and influences among various writers and different schools of thought.
    Course Notes:  EN101 English Composition IA with a grade of C or higher, or EN100 English Comp IB with a grade of C or higher.


  • American Literature I - EN204

    Course Description:  Analyze representative American works in prose and poetry up to 1865. Identify major literary schools of thought; recognize the relationships between writers, texts, and their historical contexts; discuss literary devices; and evaluate representative texts.
    Course Notes:  EN101 English Composition IA with a grade of C or higher, or EN100 English Comp IB with a grade of C or higher.


  • Honors American Literature I - EN204H

    Course Description:  Analyze representative American works in prose and poetry up to 1865. Identify major literary schools of thought; recognize the relationships between writers, texts, and their historical contexts; discuss literary devices; and evaluate representative texts.
    Course Notes:  EN101 English Composition IA with a grade of C or higher, or EN100 English Comp IB with a grade of C or higher.


  • Introduction to Cultural Studies: Fairy Tales - EN214

    Course Description:  Introduction to the field of cultural studies through the close analysis of classic fairy tales using theoretical approaches to enhance students’ critical thinking skills as they examine both written and visual texts.
    Course Notes:  EN101 English Composition IA with a grade of C or higher, or EN100 English Comp IB with a grade of C or higher.


  • Podcast Fiction - EN217

    Course Description:  Survey of contemporary North American podcast audio dramas. Assessing the rise in popularity of podcast audio dramas, evaluating characteristics of literature, categorizing audience involvement, and critiquing podcast audio dramas’ place among commonly accepted literary canon.
    Course Notes:  EN100 English Comp IB, or EN101 English Composition IA.


  • Farm Crop Production - FM102

    Course Description:  Principles of plant science applied to the growth and development of farm crops and the broad area of crop production.


    • Sections:

      FM102 001241S       Main Campus Closed
        • WHEN
        • Days: M W F
        • Times: 08:00 AM - 09:00 AM
        • Start Date: 08/21/2024
        • End Date: 12/11/2024
        • WHERE
        • Campus: Main Campus
        • Building: Lockman Hall
        • Room: LH002
        • INSTRUCTOR
        • Kent McKinnis

      Section Type:  Lecture

      Credit Hours:  4.00

      Section Notes:  Three hours lecture and two hours laboratory each week.
  • Farm Crop Production Lab - FM102L

    Course Description:  See FM102 for course information.


  • Farm Management - FM105

    Course Description:  Basic concepts for successfully managing a farm including management records, their analysis and use in making decisions and farm management concepts dealing with credit, land, machinery, capital, crops and livestock enterprises and labor.


  • Livestock Management - FM109

    Course Description:  Principles of livestock production and management; practical application of breeding, selection, reproduction, health and marketing systems and techniques; emphasis on management systems of raising, growing and finishing beef, sheep and swine; information on horse production and management.


    • Sections:

      FM109 003241S       Buhler Closed
        • WHEN
        • Days: MTWRF
        • Times: 09:28 AM - 10:16 AM
        • Start Date: 08/20/2024
        • End Date: 12/20/2024
        • WHERE
        • Campus: Buhler
        • Building: Buhler High School
        • Room: BHHS01
        • INSTRUCTOR
        • John Clark

      Section Type:  Lecture

      Credit Hours:  3.00

      Section Notes:  Buhler High School Students Only.
  • Crop and Weed Identification I - FM110

    Course Description:  Fundamentals of plant identification with emphasis on economic crops and weeds.


  • Pesticide Applications - FM111

    Course Description:  Common pests; proper storage, use, handling and disposal of pesticides and pesticide containers; pesticide labels, pesticide safety and environmental protection.


    • Sections:

      FM111 011241S       Main Campus
        • WHEN
        • Days: M W
        • Times: 12:40 PM - 01:39 PM
        • Start Date: 10/14/2024
        • End Date: 12/09/2024
        • WHERE
        • Campus: Main Campus
        • Building: Lockman Hall
        • Room: LH002
        • INSTRUCTOR
        • Kent McKinnis

      Section Type:  Lecture

      Credit Hours:  1.00

      Section Notes:  State Private Applicator exam adminstered at the end of the course, which allows those successfully completing the exam to apply restricted use pesticides.
  • Agriculture Marketing - FM202

    Course Description:  Marketing options of farm production by commodity groups and an overview of the supply marketing system, marketing services and efficiencies.


  • Crop and Weed Identification III - FM203

    Course Description:  Advanced plant identification with emphasis on economic crops and weeds.


  • Construction Methods and Materials - FS102

    Course Description:  Building materials, their physical properties and reactions to fire; building configurations and their applicability to specific hazardous industrial operations.


  • Introduction to Professional Firefighting - FS103

    Course Description:  History and philosophy of fire protection; review of statistics of loss of life and property by fire; introduction to agencies involved in fire protection; current legislative developments and career orientation; current related problems; review of expanding future fire protection.


  • Fire Attack - FS105

    Course Description:  Fire fighting tactics and strategies for attacking fires in both residential and commercial structures.
